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You will not be able to access the TSA PreCheck® lane directly after enrollment. You will need to wait until you are approved and receive your Known Traveler Number (KTN) before you can use the TSA PreCheck® lanes at airports nationwide. Most TSA PreCheck® applicants receive their KTN in 3-5 days, though some applications can take up to 60 days. TSA PreCheck® applicants will receive notice of their approval status and KTN by your preferred method of communications, email or phone. You can also check your status on our website at or contact customer support by phone (1-888-831-9070) 8am – 10pm ET, weekdays or email ( anytime. Be sure to add your KTN to your airline reservations in order to receive the TSA PreCheck® indicator on your boarding pass when traveling.
You can enroll at any participating CLEAR airport locations.
Membership qualifications vary for each program.
CLEAR Plus welcomes individuals 18 years of age and older. To enroll, you must have one of the following forms of photo identification: U.S. Driver's License, U.S. Passport, or U.S. State Issued ID. All forms of identification must be valid, unexpired, not amended and have a photo.
TSA PreCheck® membership is open to U.S. citizens, U.S. Nationals and Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR). To enroll, you must bring documents that meet both identity and citizenship requirements for the program. Applicants may be deemed ineligible due to incomplete or false application information, certain violations of federal security regulations, or disqualifying criminal offenses and other eligibility factors.
TSA PreCheck® is a U.S. government program that identifies travelers deemed low-risk by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Once approved to participate in the program, travelers are eligible for expedited security screening at U.S. airports nationwide with no need to remove shoes, laptops, 3-1-1 liquids, belts or light jackets.
TSA PreCheck® enrollment provided by CLEAR is only $77.95 for 5 years, equating to less than $16 a year. Renewal of your membership costs $68.95 for online renewals and $77.95 for in person renewals.
Curb-to-CLEAR is available at some of our busiest airports and gives CLEAR Plus Members the option to be brought only through the CLEAR Plus Lane. If your airport only has Curb-to-Gate, our Ambassadors will take you beyond security to your gate or anywhere along the way.
When bundling your enrollment or renewal, you enjoy special pricing on your first year of CLEAR Plus membership for a combined total of just $199 ($77.95 for TSA PreCheck® and $121.05 for CLEAR Plus; for online renewals you pay $68.95 for TSA PreCheck® and $130.05 for CLEAR Plus). In both instances, you will be granted TSA PreCheck® for 5 years and CLEAR Plus Membership for 1 year. Upon completion of both applications, you will receive a rebate on your CLEAR Plus Membership (up to $77.95).
If you are a member of the TSA PreCheck® Application Program, you may call us at (1-888-831-9070) 8am – 10pm ET, weekdays or email ( anytime to make changes to your name, address, or other information contained in your records. If you change your name and do not update your TSA PreCheck® membership to match the new details, you will not be able to use your TSA PreCheck® benefits when traveling until the name change process is completed.
Service members of all branches of the armed forces and students at the armed forces’ service academies automatically enjoy TSA PreCheck® benefits, with no need to enroll separately. Their DoD ID number is a 10-digit number on the back of the Common Access Card which serves as their Known Traveler Number (KTN).TSA PreCheck® is not currently offered at discounted membership rates for senior citizens. However, please note that TSA allows travelers 75+ to leave shoes and a light jacket on during screening. For more information visit
A KTN, or Known Traveler Number, is a unique number issued by the TSA indicating you’ve completed a Security Threat Assessment and are eligible for TSA PreCheck® expedited screening. Your KTN is valid for 5 years and should be used when booking airline reservations.
No. TSA PreCheck® benefits only apply to those who are enrolled and traveling with the TSA PreCheck® indicator on their boarding pass.
Travelers 18 and older who do not have a TSA PreCheck® indicator on their boarding pass must go through standard security lanes. For more information visit
Children ages 12 and under may use the TSA PreCheck® lane when traveling with a parent or guardian who has the TSA PreCheck® indicator on their boarding pass. Children 13-17 may join enrolled adults when traveling on the same reservation and if the TSA PreCheck® indicator appears on the child’s boarding pass. For more information visit
Please note, adults using gate passes to accompany children traveling alone will be directed to standard screening as gate passes are excluded from TSA PreCheck® benefits. This applies even if the gate pass holder has enrolled in TSA PreCheck®. The adult will not be permitted to join the child in the TSA PreCheck® lane.
When accompanied by a CLEAR Plus member, children 17 and under may use the standard CLEAR Plus Lane. When accompanied by a CLEAR Plus member on the same reservation and has the TSA PreCheck® indicator on their boarding pass, children ages 17 and under may go through the CLEAR Plus with TSA PreCheck® Lane.
CLEAR Plus Members save 4 hours per year on average. Join CLEAR Plus today!
It depends on their age and whether they are traveling with a parent or guardian who has enrolled in TSA PreCheck®: Children 12 and under may accompany an enrolled parent or guardian in the TSA PreCheck® lanes without restriction.Children 13-17 may join enrolled adults when traveling on the same reservation and if the TSA PreCheck® indicator appears on the child’s boarding pass.
Any child traveling alone routinely may want to enroll in the program.Please note, adults using gate passes to accompany children traveling alone will be directed to standard screening as gate passes are excluded from TSA PreCheck® benefits. This applies even if the gate pass holder has enrolled in TSA PreCheck®. The adult will not be permitted to join the child in the TSA PreCheck® lane.
The name on your application must be an exact match to the name on the identification and proof of citizenship/immigration documents you provide at enrollment. The name provided must be the name used when making your airline travel reservations.
If you or someone you know believes they have fallen victim to a scam, report it to your local police department and file a report at the Federal Trade Commission’s website, Additionally, contact your bank or credit card company immediately and inform them of the fraudulent charge. Please note, neither TSA nor CLEAR will issue a reimbursement to applicants who attempt to enroll in TSA PreCheck® through a fraudulent website.
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